Interactive Experience 

Self Study

Beyond our three dimensional identification
we are all energetic beings,
infinite through time and space within this unified field of creation. 

Course overview

the Program:

How can we learn to inhabit and be present within our physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies all at the same time? How can we move energy by using our hands or by using our voices? What is the fabric of creation and how do time and space interact with each other in the unified field? What can support us to fully be embodied in presence here and now? These are  some of the questions you can explore during this course.
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8 Class Replays

16 hours


group sessions

4 Month

Transmission replays


Self - Development

1:1 live sessions

What you are going to learn?

Multidimensional Self Studies is held alike a Satsang where we come together in truth.

We have 8 pre recorded sessions over the course of 4 months. Each of them have a different topic of focus for us to dive into, explore, experiment with and learn to embody. 
 Providing held space for reflections, questions and interactions as we will allow the divine to guide us opening up new pathways that lead us into presence.

We embark on a journey into the embodiment of who we have truly come here to be as multidimensional beings remembering and activating the potential within, igniting our individual blessings, gifts and talents.

 Shamir Chadha Singh

"Along my journey I was blessed with so many magnificent guides and teachers. I received initiations from various elders, traditions, lineages and now is the time to pass these blessings on to you, for the greater good of all." 

What you will experience?

  • Shamir will be sharing teachings, transmissions, personal stories and experiences as well as mythological and archetypal ones.

  • He will go into meditation and ceremonial practices so you can learn to experience oneness, not only as a concept but as lived, felt and embodied reality.

  • 60 min 1:1 Live with Shamir

With MSS you also receive the option to get on either two calls of 30 minutes or one call of 60 minutes with Shamir for Q&A,
 and reflect and dive deeper on specific aspects of the teachings.
We recommend you schedule these calls half way through and towards the end of the classes.

Who is it for?

Anybody that is ready to inhabit their true potential as a multidimensional being will benefit from this course as will anyone that has opened up to the energetic reality of our existence and is longing to understand more.

If you are on a healing journey and intend to learn more about yourself and new ways of healing then you are also at the right place. This course will give you a road map to support you on your path of awakening and allow you to ground deeper into your true self.
  • Develop your capacity for full presence
  • Clear archetypal traumas
  • Take back your power
  • Enhance the potential of your offerings

Begin your Study now

 We hope you are as excited about the Multidimensional Self Studies as we are. Please note this is a recorded version of a live course. 

Your Guide for the Program:

Shamir Chadha Singh

Multidimensional Embodiment Guide,
Mystic Warrior 
From a vastly multicultural background, with Indian heritage born in Singapore and raised in Austria, Shamir devoted himself to embodied spirituality very early in his life. The journey led him to deeply studying a wide range of healing modalities as well as being initiated in an ancient Hindu Bhakti Yoga lineage, in service to the greater good of all....
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